Tranzflo NZ Ltd

Specialists in Sap Flow Sensors

Our system can use either the T-max heat-pulse method (above) or the Tz (compensation) method (below) to measure sap movement


Home page                                        Date: 29 Jan 2007

· Tranzflo NZ Ltd specializes in the supply of custom made sensors to monitor sap movement in plants.

· The measurements are based on the heat-pulse technique where a linear heater and two temperature probes are inserted radially into the tree stem (see diagram left).

· The heater probe is used to deliver a brief (1-2 s) pulse of heat energy, and a pair of temperature probes is used measure the subsequent rise in stem temperature. 

· Probes are constructed from teflon or stainless steel tubing of 1.4 or 1.8 mm diameter. Each temperature probe contains up to 6 pairs of thermocouple sensors. The probe design can measure the radial profile of sap flow to a depth of 55 mm.

· A Campbell data logger (Campbell Scientific, USA) is used to control the heater output and measure the temperature signals from each sensor.

· The logger software can utilize both the Tmax and compensation (Tz) heat-pulse methods. A simple EXCEL spreadsheet is used to analyse the data.

· Plant water use is measured exactly in L per hour or L per day



Tranzflo NZ Ltd,  15 Parata St, Palmerston North 4410, NEW ZEALAND

Tel:  +64-6-357-4600    Fax:     +64-6-357-4601                                                 E-mail:

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